The Classic Poppy series from the Shinji Classic Collection is an intricate and organically stylized series of wearable objects. With a base of high purity silver, plated with 23K Gold, the gold has been partially scraped away from the grape leaf to reveal the silver underneath. This delicate and intricate finish gives this sought-after design its unique beauty.
Size: approximately 30mm
Material: Silver/Gold Mix (Britannia Silver 958 base with 23K Gold Vermeil)
Optional chain: Material: 23K Gold Vermeil (23K Gold Plated Sterling Silver 925)
As each of our handmade pieces are made one-by-one, we generally only have one of each design at any time. In the event that an item is out of stock, we will contact you directly. The Shinji Classic collection takes 2-4 weeks to make if out of stock. It is worth bearing this in mind if purchasing jewelry as a gift. If you would like to know if an item is immediately available before you purchase, please contact us directly first with the item name and product number.